Wednesday, July 27, 2005

Parkour (Freerunning)

Alright my friends, I am going to try and explain to you what Parkour (Freerunning) really is. I am doing this because the people who I have tried to explain it to just don't understand it, they think it is just "jumping off shit like a crazy person," when it is actually a very deep rich activity. Parkour is the art of movement, true parkour is about moving from point a to point b and not seeing things in the way as obstacles.

FSPK, or freestyle parkour is parkour, but with complete freedom. You aren't just about getting from 1 place to another as efficiently as possible, your doing it with added flair and style. Me myself practice FSPK. FSPK is not about jumping off a high thing, or impressing people, or beating out your friends. FSPK is about becoming free from everything, and moving thoughout a landscape with flow. Flow is when a series of moves in a run string to gether like water, almost making you feel as if you are one with the enviroment you are moving though.

In FSPK there are 4 basic moves, the tic-tac, the roll, the vault, and the jump. With these, you can do almost anything. For videos and more information go to