Tuesday, July 19, 2005

Your RESPONSABLITY as a reader on my blog…

When you sit down at your computer and think to yourself, “I know! I want to do something entertaining and exitining,” then you think for a while and there it is the perfect idea:

“I know what I should do, I should go to House of Reaktor Blog and read sometimes intellectual or even humorous posts, then I should kindly leave a comment telling the hardworking individual who put so much time into the post what I thought of the post, and not some extremely gay Xanga-style comment!”

What you have just read is an actual conversation that a reader had with him/herself, this is not a joke. Apon finishing reading a post on a blog you automatically take the responsibility to leave a thoughtful comment explaining your synopsis of what you previously read, and in most cases under a court of law, nothing else.

When people comment on Xangas, with multiple one word comments that when linked together create a poorly constructed sentence, it makes me want to rip out they’re eyes so they can never see the great glare of a computer moniter. This image also helps show how I feel.

Image courtesy of the Ant-Man